I'm Benjamin and I have been looking around the mail list and the code base
since last December, where I had to write a simple Deca compiler within a
month as a team. Next paragraph is me introducing myself -ranting really-
for too long.

I am from France, in my Computer science master's first year, and very much
interested in compilers and operating systems. I was already considering
applying for the GSoC, but felt rather intimidated by the scale of it so I
kind of forgot about it until last week my university housed a gathering
event for companies to promote internships.
Few of them appealed to me, while my teacher cheered for me to try and
reach you out, so here I am.

Hence, even if it's two weeks late, I would like to express my interest in
contributing to the project ideas listed below, and request for small patch
I could work on.

- [Extend the static analysis pass] is the one I feel the most confident
in, but I see it is already quite envied.
- [Enable incremental LTO linking] - OK here it might be a bit far-fetched,
as my only experience about LTO at the moment is mostly consisting of the
two conference videos and the gcc internal doc. However the subject strikes
my as reaally interesting, and no matter the project I will have to
document myself.
- [Rust front-end] - Especially the metadata exports and the user errors
sections. Even though the languages I have the most familiarity with are C
and C++, I got a nascent interest in Rust. I still have to check the doc
way more than I care to admit, but I have a good grasp of the underlying

I have experience working on a Python debugger during my previous
internship, as well as the full-time compiler project I did last January.
>From those experiences, reading Crafting Interpreters (R.Nystrom) and my
language theory courses, I'm certain I will enjoy contributing to this.

Oof, finally braced myself to reach you out, sadly almost too late, but I
just got a boulder-sized weight off my shoulders.
Thanks in advance! -  I tried to keep it short.

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