--- demo.c ---
int ispowerof2(unsigned long long argument) {
    return (argument != 0) && ((argument & argument - 1) == 0);
--- EOF ---

GCC 12.2    gcc -m32 -O3

ispowerof2(unsigned long long):
        push    edi                        # three registers clobbered
        push    esi                        #  without need, and three
        push    ebx                        #   superfluous memory writes
        mov     edi, DWORD PTR [esp+20]    ->    mov    ecx, [esp+4]
        mov     esi, DWORD PTR [esp+16]    ->    mov    edx, [esp+8]
        mov     eax, edi                   ->    mov    eax, ecx
        or      eax, esi                   ->    or     eax, edx
        je      .L5                        ->    jz     .L0
        mov     eax, esi                   # superfluous
        mov     edx, edi                   # superfluous
        add     eax, -1                    ->    add    ecx, -1
        adc     edx, -1                    ->    adc    edx, -1
        mov     ecx, eax                   # shell game
        mov     eax, esi                   # shell game
        mov     ebx, edx                   # shell game
        mov     edx, edi                   # shell game
        and     eax, ecx                   ->    and    ecx, [esp+4]
        xor     ecx, ecx                   ->    xor    eax, eax
        and     edx, ebx                   ->    and    edx, [esp+8]
        pop     ebx                        # superfluous
        pop     esi                        # superfluous
        or      eax, edx                   ->    or     ecx, edx
        pop     edi                        # superfluous
        sete    cl                         ->    setz   al
        mov     eax, ecx                   # shell game
        ret                        .L0:    ->    ret
.L5:                                       # eax is 0 here!
        xor     ecx, ecx                   # superfluous
        pop     ebx                        # superfluous
        pop     esi                        # superfluous
        mov     eax, ecx                   # superfluous
        pop     edi                        # superfluous
        ret                                # superfluous

OUCH: 19 (in words: NINETEEN) superfluous instructions out of 32, despite -O3,
      3 registers clobbered without need and reason, resulting in
      3 superfluous memory writes

GCC 12.3 generates the same BRAINDEAD code!

GCC 13.3    gcc -m32 -O3

ispowerof2(unsigned long long):
        push    esi                        # two registers clobbered without 
        push    ebx                        #  two superfluous memory writes
        mov     ecx, DWORD PTR [esp+12]    ->    mov    ecx, [esp+4]
        mov     ebx, DWORD PTR [esp+16]    ->    mov    edx, [esp+8]
        mov     eax, ecx                   ->    mov    eax, ecx
        or      eax, ebx                   ->    or     eax, edx
        je      .L5                        ->    jz    .L0
                                                 xor    eax, eax
        mov     eax, ecx                   # superfluous
        mov     edx, ebx                   # superfluous
        add     eax, -1                    ->    add    ecx, -1
        adc     edx, -1                    ->    adc    edx, -1
        and     eax, ecx                   ->    and    ecx, [esp+4]
        and     edx, ebx                   ->    and    edx, [esp+8]
        pop     ebx                        # superfluous
        or      eax, edx                   ->    or     ecx, edx
        sete    al                         ->    setz   al
        movzx   eax, al                    # superfluous: see xor added above
        mov     esi, eax                   # shell game
        mov     eax, esi                   # shell game
        pop     esi                        # superfluous
        ret                       .L0:     ->    ret
.L5:                                       # eax is 0 here!
        xor     esi, esi                   # superfluous
        pop     ebx                        # superfluous
        mov     eax, esi                   # superfluous
        pop     esi                        # superfluous
        ret                                # superfluous

OUCH: 13 (in words: THIRTEEN) superfluous instructions out of 26, despite -O3,
      2 registers clobbered without need and reason, resulting in
      2 superfluous memory writes

It's e REAL shame how bad GCC's code generator is!


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