On 6/6/23 00:23, Dave Blanchard wrote:
On Mon, 5 Jun 2023 13:35:22 +0200
Gabriel Ravier via Gcc <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> wrote:

[pages of bullshit deleted]

2. Are you aware that these emails are not only pretty useless, but
potentially actively counterproductive ? I'd personally expect GCC
developers, who are rightfully not particularly happy at the thought of
having to constantly suffer your belittling emails, to at best actively
ignore them - but even worse from what I presume would be your POV (that
of someone who wants GCC's optimizer to improve), this constant spam
might give rise to what would be a pretty reasonable response: to be
biased against any proposed improvement that comes from or derives from
your emails.
Sounds like the response of an idiot, or a malignant individual who isn't 
interested in improving their junk code. A not-uncommon response in today's 
world, full of arrogant, self-righteous, brittle individuals who just can't 
stand criticism.

Well, while I don't agree with your opinion on the reasonableness of that response (while I'd say it would perhaps be ever so slightly over the top as of right now, I don't think it'd be that unreasonable, and Stefan's current behavior could easily escalate to a point where one could very reasonably want to avoid even a smidge of indirect interaction with him), my point is that such a response is a plausible one, and given you appear to assume bad faith on the part of the GCC developers, I can only assume you agree with me that such a reaction is indeed plausible, if for a different reason.

PS: I hope you understand that I'm being somewhat generous when assuming
you genuinely want to get GCC's optimizer to improve,
What? Are you claiming he *doesn't* want to see it improved?
I don't think he doesn't care about optimizers. Certainly, looking at his website for just a few minutes makes it clear that he very much cares a lot about them. But his behavior is so puzzling as to make me question how it's possible to argue his case so badly, as to stretch my capacity to apply Hanlon's razor: indeed, a technically possible, if hopefully wrong conjecture, would be that he does care a lot about the optimizer, but simply hates GCC's optimizer so badly (for failing to optimize his code exactly how he wants it to be) that he doesn't even care about improving it and just wants to shout at the developers endlessly over it. This *should* be obviously stupid, but his current behavior on this list makes this possibility practically indistinguishable to me from one that assumes good faith (and seemingly cripplingly bad communication skills) and, as a result, I need to make a conscious effort to assume such good faith on his part.

Someone else might  instead think you're just a troll
Not you, of course. No sir. You're smarter than that, right?
Well, either I'm spending my time trying to get someone to stop completely destroying any potential for them to actually be able to contribute to GCC's development, or am I indeed quite the fool and completely wasting my time for the enjoyment of someone who doesn't care at all. That's all I'm trying to say, I don't think assuming good faith magically makes your IQ go up.

that uses this as a pretext to send
inflammatory emails everywhere and waste the time of people like me.
I thought the entire purpose of these threads was to call attention to the fact 
that our time IS being wasted already, by the shitty GCC optimizer?


Wow, I'm actually impressed by how inflammatory you've managed to make this single sentence: it feels like you've managed to bottle up the very essence of flaming. Anyway, see above for what I meant by "waste the time of people like me", if you didn't understand what I meant by that.

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