Good morning (here),

Without -O3 and -O2 the OpenCL gave consistently good results without returning any error.

I think my code is Ok but I open to criticism.

I call the dynamic library from a Python script (Ctypes package).

If you are open to help me I can send all the sources.


Luís Gonçalves

On 09/08/2023 11:06, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
On Wed, 9 Aug 2023 at 10:00, Luís Carlos Carneiro Gonçalves via Gcc
<> wrote:
This is the wrong mailing list for this topic, please use next time.

If you get different results for -O2 and -O3 then it probably means
your program has a bug.

"Before reporting that GCC compiles your code incorrectly, compile it
with gcc -Wall -Wextra and see whether this shows anything wrong with
your code. Similarly, if compiling with -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv
-fno-aggressive-loop-optimizations makes a difference, or if compiling
with -fsanitize=undefined produces any run-time errors, then your code
is probably not correct." --

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