
On Fri, Apr 05 2024, Vedant5432 via Gcc wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a potential contributor for GSoC 2024, I made a submission for the
> project Extend the Static Analysis Pass, I was wondering about the process
> of ranking the proposals and the general timelines when the applicants will
> be notified if their proposals will be considered potentially?

We are diligently evaluating all GSoC proposals including and will
finish doing so by the deadline set by Google.

Google reserves the right to announce the acceptance themselves - and
they have they final say when they determine the number of slots an
organization receives - therefore we cannot publicly disclose much
details about the evaluation process, I am afraid.

> Would using
> Zulip be the best form of communication for faster responses compared to
> email?

Only for gcc-rust related issues/topics/discussions.

Sorry that we cannot disclose much at this point.


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