On Sat, Sep 14, 2024 at 1:17 PM Ghorban M. Tavakoly via Gcc
<gcc@gcc.gnu.org> wrote:
> >> Is there any change to have some LTO progress indicator information in
> upstream GCC output? Do I need to report a bug?
> Is there any chance ... (sorry for typo)

You can add -Q to the command line which makes GCC output some sort
of progress indication.  Otherwise no - we do not really know how long a
compile will take so a true progress indicator isn't possible.


> On Sat, Sep 14, 2024 at 2:41 PM Ghorban M. Tavakoly <gmt3...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I build GCC from git repo regularly. Unfortunately my system is old and a
> > full GCC build takes about 30 hours. I learnt that the maximum build time
> > spent is in LTO. I wrote a simple shell script to check LTO progress:
> >
> > #!/bin/sh
> >
> > AWKP='
> > BEGIN { RS=" " ; w = COLS - 19 }
> > END { progressbar(current, total) }
> >
> > /ltrans.o/ { current++ }
> > /ltrans[0-9]+.o/ { total++ }
> >
> > function progressbar(current, total) {
> >     if (total == 0) {
> >         printf(" %s Waiting!\r", substr("|/-\\", 1 + systime() % 4, 1))
> >         return
> >     }
> >     progress = current / total
> >     prefix = sprintf(" %d/%d [", current, total)
> >     suffix = sprintf("] %.1f%%", 100 * progress)
> >     width = COLS - length(prefix) - length(suffix)
> >     bar = ""
> >     for (col = 0; col < width; col++)
> >         bar = bar (col / width < progress ? "=" : " ")
> >     printf("%s%s%s\r", prefix, bar, suffix)
> > }'
> >
> > while [ 1 ] ; do
> >     echo $(ls /tmp/*ltrans* 2> /dev/null) | gawk -v COLS=`tput cols`
> >  "$AWKP"
> >     sleep 1
> > done
> >
> > Is there any change to have some LTO progress indicator information in
> > upstream GCC output? Do I need to report a bug?
> >
> > I need LTO. Is there a way to have LTO in GCC, without LTOing the GCC
> > itself? This way my builds will be many times faster.
> >
> > Regards and thanks to your awesome compilers
> >
> > --
> > *Ghorban M. Tavakoly*
> > Phone number: +98 (902) (2²⁰+2¹⁹+2¹⁸+…+2²+2¹+2⁰)
> >
> >

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