Bruce Korb wrote:
> Philip Martin wrote:
> >The capital 'I' in 'Is' looks wrong.
> ...
> That's what I wanted:  a nice, simple answer that was short of re-pulling
> the entire repository.  ``delete the entire ada sub-dir from the
> working copy and update will download it again.''  Thank you!
> (I don't want to go chase how the capitalization got to be wrong.
> I certainly don't go fiddling with stuff in the Ada directory.
> Someone did something somewhere.)  Cheers - Bruce

Sometimes I run commands to walk down the filesystem and do things to
the files in them.  With CVS this was never a problem, never a false
hit, because CVS did not keep a pristine copy of the database around.


  find . -name foo -print0 | xargs -r0 sed --in-place 's/foo/bar/g'

But now I find that I need to be aware that in the .svn directory is a
pristine copy of the same file.  The above won't match because the
pristine copy always has .svn-base appended to the end.  But the
following would match and would edit both the working copy and the
pristine copy in the .svn directory.

  find . -name 'foo*' -print0 | xargs -r0 sed --in-place 's/foo/bar/g'

I have no idea if this is possibly the type of thing that happened to
you or not.  But I thought I would mention it because it seems


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