In building xplor-nih against the gcc trunk, I noticed that there is a c++ 
regression that isn't present when building xplor-nih against gcc 4.1.1 or the 
of gcc trunk and the gcc/g++ of Apple's current Xcode 2.3 release. The error 
shows up
in xplor-nih's dipCoup.inp test which aborts as follows when built with g++ 
from the

 -- POWELL ------ step=      5 --- stepsize=  0.020455 --- energy evals=    2 --
 | Etotal =181.583    grad(E)=4.894      E(BOND)=6.068      E(ANGL)=160.218    |
 | E(IMPR)=5.596      E(XDIP)=9.701                                            |
Powell::step: irregular exit: Line search abandoned: gradient may be incorrect
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Integrator::Finished'

Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
0x9004802c in kill ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x9004802c in kill ()
#1  0x9012dfb4 in abort ()
#2  0x052a9df4 in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler () at 
#3  0x052a78b8 in __cxxabiv1::__terminate (handler=0) at 
#4  0x052a67a4 in __cxa_call_terminate (ue_header=0x5a346d0) at 
#5  0x052a75fc in __gxx_personality_v0 (version=0, actions=2, 
exception_class=11529286998044974156, ue_header=0x5a346d0, context=0xbfffcb2c) 
at ../../../../gcc-4.2-20060526/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/
#6  0x91429918 in _Unwind_RaiseException_Phase2 ()
#7  0x91429a18 in _Unwind_Resume ()
#8  0x0022d19c in Powell::step (this=0x5a3d940, 
stepsize=0.00039998906256061956) at
#9  0x00207728 in IVM::step (this=0x5a0d050, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at
#10 0x0023c268 in XplorIVM::entry (this=0x5a0d050) at
#11 0x02970b34 in dynmcs_ (fbeta=0x0, x=0x0, y=0xa0004170, z=0xa0001c4c, 
dx=0x5a346d0, dy=0xbfffb33c, dz=0x5a24230, xv=0x900227b4, yv=0x6287600, 
zv=0x6289000, amass=0x628c400, imove=0x628de00, res=0x6292400, resid=0x6293200, 
type=0x6294000, ib=0x600b400, jb=0x600ce00, _res=-1073750708, _resid=12192, 
_type=12200) at dynamc.f:86
#12 0x000634c4 in xplor_parse_ ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) at xplorFunc.f:423
#13 0x000027b4 in main (argc=2, argv=0xbfffde58) at xplor.c:116

The "Powell::step: irregular exit: Line search abandoned: gradient may be 
incorrect" output is normal, but the terminate called
isn't of course. Building the c++ code in xplor-nih with -O0 doesn't eliminate 
this problem. Does this issue resemble any
existing PR or should I attempt to pin this one done (which may be difficult 
since the code is pretty complex)?

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