Hi again,

I am having issues with the __comp_ctor () __base_ctor () etc functions that I encounter in the C++ front-end tree (Just before gimplification).

If i compile some code that looks like:

#include <string>
int main()
  std::allocator<char> alloc;
  const char* str1 = "Hello";
  const char* str2 = "Hello";
std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > str(str1, str2, alloc);

  return 0;

Note: I think this code is incorrect, however it compiles fine.

I am trying to figure out which of the constructors of std::basic_string GCC would use for this code. Is it the following constructor?

template<class _InputIterator>
basic_string(_InputIterator __beg, _InputIterator __end, const _Alloc& __a = _Alloc());

The main problem i am having is that GCC generates a FUNCTION_DECL for:

__comp_ctor (::char const*, ::char const*, ::std::allocator<char> const&)

I am trying to find the corresponding constructor from the basic_string class that should be called in place of the __comp_ctor function. There seems to be no FUNCTION_DECL node for the constructor:
basic_string(::char const*, ::char const*, ::std::allocator<char> const&)

which I would expect if there is a __comp_ctor () with those parameters.

My questions are:

1) Which of the basic_string constructors would be being called in this situation?

2) Do __comp_ctor and __base_ctor functions just call/are substituted with equivilant "User Constructors" with exactly the same arguments or do the arguments of the __comp_ctor sometimes differ from the "User Constructor" that it is associated with?

3) Again, is there a simple way of finding the constructor method that would be called given a corresponding __comp_ctor () method?


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