For what it's worth, I did a build on Mac OS X for Intel 10.4.8 last week, and had no problems building GMP 4.2.1 and mprf-2.2.0, with no special --target options. Maybe you have an old version of gmp in your default linker search path causing bad things to happen. I think if it's failing for you, you're doing something wrong. I see no evidence that either GMP or mainline GCC is broken on i686-darwin

I submitted the results of that build to gcc-testresults.


On Oct 30, 2006, at 11:49 AM, Geoffrey Keating wrote:

On 30/10/2006, at 10:34 AM, Daniel Berlin wrote:

4. Are you aware that the GMP home page says

[2006-05-04] GMP does not build on MacInteltosh machines. No fix
planned for GMP 4.x.

and indeed it does not appear to build correctly when configured on
my MacBook Pro?

Errr, well,
I have installed the version from macports on my macbook pro, and it works fine.
No new regressions in the gcc testsuite since the GMP patches.

I don't know what "macports" is. When I download gmp-4.2.1 from , the official GNU site, and run 'configure && make && make check', I get:

gcc -m32 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -mtune=pentium3 -march=pentium3 -o t-bswap t-bswap.o ./.libs/libtests.a /Volumes/Data/build/ gmp-4.2.1/.libs/libgmp.a ../.libs/libgmp.a
/usr/bin/ld_classic: Undefined symbols:

which I presume is the problem referred to.

Googling for 'macports gmp' leads me to < > which suggests to me that maybe I should say 'configure -- host=none-apple-darwin'. I'll try that.

Because of the severe nature of this problem (everything doesn't
build, multiple hosts affected), I'd like you to consider backing out
this patch until the problems are fixed.  I'll work on a patch which
just disables the check for Darwin.
Uh, what?

In this case, I have no idea what problems you are experiencing, as
the version of GMP/MPFR required works fine on macbook pro, AFAICT.

Do you see this error when you run 'make check'?

It's actually about time we got to using GMP in the middle end, and I
don't believe reverting a patch because some non-primary platforms
have a few pains here and there initially is the best course of

I agree that it's nice to use GMP in the middle-end, but it raises significant portability issues. It looks like there are workarounds for the x86-darwin problem, but surely there will be other problems on other platforms. My greatest concern is bootstrapping.

Also, although I experience no regressions, i'll point out that there
is no automated tested for macintel darwin that posts to
gcc-testresults, which does not bode well for something you would like
to be a primary platform.

You are not seeing any posts because there has never been a successful build in the tester's environment. Guess what the current problem is.

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