> drizzle drizzle wrote:
>And as matt suggested if mpfr is not needed by 3.4, how can I
>configure it that way. --disable -mpfr did not help.

MPFR should not have _anything_ to do with any gcc prior to 4.x. Where did you 
get gcc 3.4? A tarball from a gnu mirror or somewhere else? I think either the 
tarball is misnamed or something is terribly wrong with it. 

>checking if gmp.h version and libgmp version are the same... (4.2.1/4.1.4) no
>configure: WARNING: 'gmp.h' and 'libgmp' seems to have different versions or
>configure: WARNING: we cannot run a program linked with GMP (if you cannot
>configure: WARNING: see the version numbers above).
>configure: WARNING: However since we can't use 'libtool' inside the configure,
>configure: WARNING: we can't be sure. See 'config.log' for details.

This means that mpfr needs to be told where gmp is and was probably not built 
correctly. When you configure mpfr use the options:

  --with-gmp-include=DIR  GMP include directory
  --with-gmp-lib=DIR         GMP lib directory

Make sure these point to the lib and include directories with the new version 
of gmp. You can also use:


if you wish to install the 64-bit libraries there instead of ../lib.

Note that fedora installs a 'bad' version of gmp 4.1.4 that includes a very old 
copy of mpfr. You seem to be picking up the library from this one.

 - Matt

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