On 17 April 2007 23:27, Paul Brook wrote:

>> No, the issue is that the -Os option is *documented* to *only* include
>> those optimizations that are known to not increase the code size.
> Where exactly is the documented? My documentation says It
> enables "optimisations that do not *typically* increase code size" (emphasis
> mine).

  Sorry for butting in, but I just can't follow the reasoning here.  Unless a
function is only ever used once and is inlined at the single callsite, or
unless the prolog and epilog are several times the size of the function body,
isn't inlining /always/ (not just "typically", but actually *always*) going to
increase code size?  I feel I must be missing something really obvious... is
it just that the other optimisations that become possible on inline code
usually compensate?

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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