Mark Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| The GCC SC is still discussing a few of the finer points of the
| transition to GPLv3.

Thanks for the update!


| 3. After GCC 4.2.1 is released, we will renumber the branch to GCC 4.3.
|   What would have been GCC 4.2.2 will instead be GCC 4.3.3, to try to
| emphasize the GPLv3 switch.  The GCC mainline will then be GCC 4.4.

What a mess! (Sorry).  Was the option of closing the GCC-4.2.x branch
considered, instead of releasing GCC-4.2.2 as GCC-4.3.2?


| It has also not yet been decided whether backports of bug-fixes from
| GPLv3 versions of GCC to older GPLv2 versions of GCC (e.g., GCC 4.1)

We can make a final release from GCC-4.1.x and close it definitely.
We should strive for some kind of mononiticy in terms of release
series and licensing.

-- Gaby

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