On 7/30/07 11:34 AM, Emmanuel Fleury wrote:

> Actually, I know that these dumps are here, as you said, just for
> debugging purpose but why not making them 'permanent' and kind-of
> 'standardized' (I mean, not changing it too frequently), so that code
> analysis tools could plug on GCC ? (I know I'm asking a lot... sorry)

Because that's not their goal.  The suggested way of doing this kind of
analyses is to implement them in GCC directly.  This way, instead of
parsing the text output, you can access the data structures directly.
That will be faster and easier to maintain in the future.

We also realize that dealing with GCC's code base is time consuming and
even difficult at first.  You may be interested in a couple of recent
projects to add plug-in functionality to future versions of GCC.  You
can read about them in the proceedings for this year's GCC Summit

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