On 9/10/07, Mark Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Richard Guenther wrote:
> >> What is an example program in that meets the requirements I gave above
> >> -- i.e., allows the compiler to prove that two same-typed pointers do
> >> not alias (whether by the compiler's cleverness, use of "restrict", or
> >> whatever), but where the compiler must still assume that the values of
> >> the pointers might be the same?
> >
> > I see I misinterpreted your sentence.  I don't think a testcase that
> > holds all your requirements can be constructed as they
> > contradict each other.  Can you give one?
> No -- I don't think any such test case should exist.  But, IIUC, one of
> your proposals could lead to the existence of such a test case.  In
> particular, I understood you to be suggesting that we might be able to
> make the "malloc" attribute work for any implementation of "operator
> new" by saying that while the compiler could assume that "*p" and "*q"
> did not alias, the compiler was none-the-less not allowed to assume that
> "p != q".
> My point was that this seems like a very strange requirement to impose
> on the compiler, and that the compiler -- now, or in future -- is very
> likely to make exactly that deduction, since it is logically true.  More
> broadly, my point was that a universe in which "*p does not alias *q"
> fails to imply "p != q", for "p" and "q" pointers of the same type, is a
> weird place to be.

Well, we have that now:

  int *q = new int;
  delete q;
  int *p = new int;
  delete p;
  if (q != p)
    cout << "different";

we cannot optimize the test to be always true.  The point is that alias
analysis tells us something about accesses to *q and *p, but neither
on lifetime of *q and *p nor lifetime of q and p (and thus their value).

The only value analysis valid on pointers is non-NULLness which we
can derive from accesses to the pointed-to memory location (ok, assuming
the OS really traps on accesses to address zero, which is not true in

I don't think my proposal opens up more "problems" in this area.


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