I think that the release process for recent releases has given undue priority to bugs marked as regressions. I agree that it's important for things that worked in the previous release to keep working in the new release. But the regression tag is used for much more trivial things.

For instance, Bug 32252 is an ice-on-valid bug in a new C++ feature, variadic templates. But since 4.2 gave a syntax error instead of an ICE, this gets marked as a regression.

This seems wrong to me. We should only use the regression tag for things that worked properly in the previous release and fail in the new release. A change from rejects-valid to ice-on-valid is an extremely low priority for me, and should not affect the release schedule. I would like to remove the regression tag entirely from such bugs.

Similarly, bugs marked as 4.1/4.2/4.3 regression don't seem like a high priority to me. If a bug wasn't a blocker for 4.2, it shouldn't be a blocker for 4.3. It makes sense to give such a bug a higher priority than it would normally (say, one point higher), but it seems to me that only regressions relative to the previous release series should actually be considered for release timing.

Incidentally, how are priorities assigned to bugs? I don't see any guidelines on the website.


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