Robert C. Seacord wrote:
There was a report (forwarded by Mark Mitchell) of Microsoft
Visual C++ 2005 performing that optimization (the resultant
object code was shown). Have you verified that this report
was false?

both chad and i have tested this with various options on Visual C++ 2005 and we have not found any combination of options that will cause this optimization to occur.

I have not personally confirmed the VC++ 2005 report. However, the code that I posted was pretty explicit about the optimization options used and the resulting code. I've attached the entire listing here to try to give you more information; it includes the exact version of the compiler and shows the source code tested in comments.

Another user wrote to me regarding an unnamed version of MSVC that:

It appears that when adding large values (like 0xf0000000)
the if() check isn't optimized away, but for smaller
values it is (same as with gcc).
Small test:
        char *buf="test";
        unsigned int len = 0x40000000;
        if(buf+len < buf) {
        } else {

It doesn't matter if len is int or unsigned int.
A maybe relevant thing is that everything up to
0x7fffffff for len will trigger the optimization,
whereas larger values (larger in terms of unsigned
32bit int) don't.

Presumably, when MSVC thinks the value is negative (when cast to a signed type), then it doesn't do the optimization, but, for positive values it does.

Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713
; Listing generated by Microsoft (R) Optimizing Compiler Version 

        TITLE   d:\src\prova\cert\cert.cpp
        .model  flat

$SG-5   DB      00H
PUBLIC  ?f@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   ; f
; Function compile flags: /Ogtpy
; File d:\src\prova\cert\cert.cpp
?f@@[EMAIL PROTECTED] PROC                                      ; f

; 2    :   len = 1 << 30;
; 3    :   if (buf + len < buf)
; 4    :     return 1;
; 5    : 
; 6    : 
; 7    :   return 0;

        xor     eax, eax

; 8    : }

        ret     0
?f@@[EMAIL PROTECTED] ENDP                                      ; f
PUBLIC  _main
; Function compile flags: /Ogtpy
_main   PROC

; 12   :        char * b = "";
; 13   :        for ( int l = 0; l < 1 << 30; ++l )
; 14   :                f(b, l);
; 15   : }

        xor     eax, eax
        ret     0
_main   ENDP

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