On 18/04, Daniel Berlin wrote:

| >  However, having it synced periodically rather than after every commit is
| >  an annoyance.
| True, but it won't change anytime soon because it would place more
| load, and require more locking (since there is no guarantee a git sync
| will finish before the next commit occurs).

More load? Come on, you are doing 48 "svn update" a day right now by
syncing every 30 minutes without even knowing if a commit took place or
not. What I am proposing would make one "svn update" per svn commit.
Hardly more load, probably even less.

As far as locking is concerned, I was thinking of a procmail script
catching mail received from gcc-cvs and doing something like:

  | (cd /to/git/repo && git svn fetch)

This is not hard to do, put an equivalent or a lighter strain on the svn
server, gives a much better synchronized repository and takes care of
the locking.

And if you want to make sure that you don't have more than one svn
update per minute in case something goes wrong, adding a "sleep 60"
between the parentheses won't change the number of "svn update" done by
this procmail script but will at least space them in time.

| >  So having git refresh itself after a SVN commit would be great :)
| Again, not gonna happen anytime soon.
| Sorry.

I know that you don't like git, but I was happy to see that you volunteered
anyway to setup the GIT repository when the person who was supposed to
do it became MIA. But now that you have done the hard part, I don't
understand why you explicitly refuse to do the small part which is
needed to make the GIT repository that you populated easy and pleasant
to use.

If it is because you don't have time to do it, I am volunteering to finish
the setup, make it ready for wide use, and setup what is necessary to
keep it up-to-date, just send me the required credentials so that I can
take care of it.


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