> In this same vein, I am very interested in using the gimple type
> system as a way to start moving gcc from being a C compiler that
> accommodates other languages to a compiler that handles different
> languages on an equal footing.  The freedom that C and C++ "enjoy" to
> basically take a pointer to one type and convert it to a pointer to
> almost any other type is not something that is allowed by the other
> languages that gcc supports.  Fortran seems to require (and this
> should be confirmed by a fortran expert) a very disciplined use of
> pointers, even restricting pointers to only being able to point to
> variables that are declared to be targets of pointers.

I do not know Fortran, but from the description above, this is similar in Ada:
you cannot freely mix different pointers, and you cannot make a pointer out
of any variable, unless variables are marked 'aliased'. This semantic is
already expressed today in GCC trees, so I'm not sure what more/different
you're suggesting though.


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