[  Oh, hi Andreas, I just saw you're Cc'd into this thread!  I guess that
post I sent to the -patches list was a bit superfluous then, sorry about
that!  ]

Weddington, Eric wrote on 06 August 2008 18:14:

> I do have that line that you have in my atmega128-sim.exp:
> set_board_info gcc,stack_size 2048
> I see in the test results that -DSTACK_SIZE=2048 is correctly getting
> passed in when this test is being compiled. 

  Righto.  It's just that the testcase doesn't pay any regard to the
STACK_SIZE macro; it's a common oversight in testcases, not a lot of people
know it's even there and those who do don't always remember!

> Beyond that, I don't know what is supposed to be done to mark this test
> as unsupported for the AVR. 

  The best solution is to make the test respect STACK_SIZE, and then it'll
automatically work where it can work and won't work where it can't.

  See http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2008-08/msg00412.html.

  You don't want to use the target-specific markings to disable it on AVR,
because it's not really beyond conceivable that someday there will be an AVR
with lots of memory somehow, and then you'd want this test to be run (and to

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