In the printed manual, is <pre class="smallexample"></pre> text
    smaller or the same size as <code></code> text?

The result of @smallexample is smaller than the result of @example in
printed manuals.

    Definitely each user can change the default browser settings, but I
    would hope pages would be readable without browser modification.

I agree, but all we can do is make the pages as generic as possible.
We cannot hope to placate all versions of all browsers.  Believe me, if
I changed @smallexample back to not use font-size:smaller, there would
be plenty of complaints as well.

    See what it looks like at present for me with default Firefox3:

I certainly agree that is ridiculously bad.  It seems like a bug in
firefox3 (not that I have much hope of anything changing).  I note that
the <code>...</code> text is smaller than the surrounding text too, so
the defaults are apparently set so things are inconsistent to start with.

    Let's see if the manual really does look different. Perhaps GCC
    could just use the <code></code> as that works fine?

If @example were used, I believe some examples would overflow the
printed pages.

If some examples use @example and some examples use @smallexample, the
resulting inconsistency looks quite bad as well (in both printed manuals
and HTML).

I doubt the GCC folks want to research and rewrite their examples to use
shorter lines (so @example could be used).

Sorry, I am still stuck for any positive action.


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