Hello Everyone,
    I am currently working on the OpenRISC port of GCC. There isn't much
significant backend optimization implemented, its just a straightforward
    Now, is it possible for the code to move between Basic blocks (or
even inside the basic blocks) after machine dependent reorganization
stage?  If so, how can I stop it from happening.. or can I? 
I printed out the RTL dump using the following code during the machine
dependent reorganization

    for (insn = bb_head(bb); insn != bb_end(bb); insn = NEXT_INSN(insn))
       if (INSN_P(insn))
Then I compared with the assembly output and the RTL-equivalent and they
do not come out in the same order.. A couple instructions were even
moved outside a basic-block... Am I going through the instruction chain
in the wrong way?
Any help is deeply appreciated!
Balaji V. Iyer.
Balaji V. Iyer
PhD Candidate, 
Center for Efficient, Scalable and Reliable Computing,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
North Carolina State University.

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