On Wed, 2009-02-11 at 18:14 -0500, Diego Novillo wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 11:46, Pjotr Kourzanov
> <peter.kourza...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> >  Should we not have a way to specify a plugin in the source itself?
> > This could be achieved by tagging a function with a __plugin__
> > attribute (or a #pragma), exporting the PluginAPI as a bunch of
> > built-in functions and having the compiler itself (1) ensure that such
> > functions only call portable built-ins, and (2) compiling/executing or
> > interpreting them as compilation passes. Then, the code can just
> > #include a source-level plugin to have it available just for that
> > translation unit.
> But then, what would be the difference between this and just adding
> your pass to the compiler?  
  Well I guess you don't have to rebuild the compiler, once it supports
such JIT plugins. Otherwise you might end up with building lots of 
compilers with only minor differences and getting a Makefile headache.

  Also portability can be improved, since JIT plugins can be made
as portable as any scripting language.

> I'm not sure I understand what this would
> buy you in terms of simplicity.  Perhaps I'm missing something.

  I can imagine a situation when you'll want a set of plugins to apply
only to some specific parts of your code. Or specific plugin options for
some parts, but not others. For such cases, you'd better just #include
an appropriate plugin or supply a parameter via a #pragma to it, rather
than solve these issues in the Makefiles.

  As a bonus, these will have to be distributed in source form, so no 
illegal proprietary gambles are possible. You might get additional
benefits from executing JIT plugins in a restricted or "managed" mode
(only allow usage of some restricted builtins by plugin sourcecode),
rather than just allowing random access to whole compiler workspace.


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