> Can you show code that reproduces the issue?  My best
> guess is that a
> header file is included twice, and lacks guards, hence the
> message is
> correct: the function is being defined twice, from the same
> source
> location.
> -- James

---- Code (unadulterated and full of original lacerations) -----

 * File:   irange.h
 * Author: Arthur Schwarz
 * Created on April 13, 2009, 1:23 PM

#ifndef _IRANGE_H
#define _IRANGE_H
# include <ios>
# include <iomanip>
# include <istream>
# include <ostream>
# include <fstream>
# include <sstream>
# include "common.h"

class iRange_List : public cDebug{               // input ranges
    // Processing of range buffer: <Ndx, Size, BufferSize, Ranges, TempStream>
    //  Ranges[Ndx] : Ndx<0..BufferSize-1>
    //  if (Ndx == BufferSize) TempStream.write(Ranges[Ndx]; Size += 
BufferSize; Ndx = 0;
    fstream     TempStream;                      // Temporary Stream
    long const  BufferSize;                      // Input buffer size
    long        Ndx;                             // Index in Ranges buffer
    long        Size;                            // Total number ranges used
    cRange      ErrorRange;
    cRange*     Ranges;                          // All input ranges
    long        ErrorCount;                      // Number of errors found
//    double Atod(string& Range, long id);
    void DData () { string str(80, ' ');
                    ostringstream stream(str);
                    stream << "iRange_List<"
                           << setw(9) << Ndx  << ", "
                           << setw(9) << Size << ", "
                           << setw(9) << ErrorCount << ">" << endl;
    long Next() { if ( ++Ndx < BufferSize) return Ndx;
                  TempStream.write((char*)Ranges, sizeof(Ranges));
                  Size += BufferSize;
                  return (Ndx = 0);
    void Flush();
    iRange_List(const iRange_List& orig);
    virtual ~iRange_List();

    long GetSize()  { return Size; }
    void PrintRange() { for(long i = 0; i < Ndx; i++) Stdout << setw(9) << i << 
": "
                                                              << Ranges[i]
                                                              << endl;
    }; // PrintRange()
    bool Read() = 0;
    cRange& operator[](long Ndx) { return ((Ndx >=0 ) && (Ndx < Size))? 
Ranges[Ndx]: ErrorRange; }
}; // class iRange_List

class ciRange_2 : public iRange_List {           // <low, high>
    struct sRange_2 { double RLo;                // Low  range value
                      double RHi; };             // High range value

    ciRange_2() : iRange_List() { }
    bool Read();
    friend istream& operator>>(istream& stream, ciRange_2::sRange_2& Range);
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, ciRange_2::sRange_2& Range);
}; // class ciRange_2

class ciRange_3 : public iRange_List {           // <low, high, id>
    struct sRange_3 { double  RLo;               // Low  range value
                      double  RHi;               // High range value
                      long    Datum; };          // User supplied datum
    ciRange_3() : iRange_List() { }
    bool Read();
    friend istream& operator>>(istream& stream, sRange_3& Range);
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, ciRange_3::sRange_3& Range);
}; // class ciRange_3

#endif  /* _IRANGE_H */

    //            Debug Streams

istream& operator>>(istream& stream, ciRange_2::sRange_2& Range);
istream& operator>>(istream& stream, ciRange_3::sRange_3& Range);

ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, ciRange_2::sRange_2& Range) {
   stream << setw(9) << Range.RLo << " " << setw(9) << Range.RHi;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, ciRange_3::sRange_3& Range) {
   stream << setw(9) << Range.RLo << " " << setw(9) << Range.RHi << " " << 
setw(9) << Range.Datum;

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