Hopefully the combined wisdom on this list can help getting this
addressed (one way or the other). :-)

I can see five cases:

1) Some of these have requested gcc.gnu.org access only to be "bugmasters", for example they have no commits.

>    dalecki     (Marcin Dalecki          )        2006-12-29   13
>    yechiel     (Yechiel Kimchi          )
>    martin      (Martin Schindewolf      )
>    setton      (Nicolas Setton          )
>    liao        (Shih-wei Liao           )

(Marcin does not have copyright on file, and contribute with his personal email). They should add themselves at the end of MAINTAINERS, and Marcin should be sent the copyright form ASAP unless he was covered by his employer in 2005-2006.

2) some of these do not have anymore a copyright assignment since they were covered by their employer.

>    zlaski      (Ziemowit Laski          )        2005-09-29  429

Based on LinkedIn info, Zem's current employer does not have a GCC copyright assignment.

>    rodimina    (Olga Rodimina           )        2005-01-06   59
>    aluchko     (Aaron Luchko            )        2005-07-14    9
>    kgallowa    (Kyle Galloway           )        2007-05-17   38

These were at Red Hat, contributed only to libjava, and AFAIK neither of the two things is true anymore.

3) some of these are covered by their employer. even if they are only contributing to a "vendor" branch, they should anyway add themselves as WAA on trunk.

>    tglek       (Taras Glek              )        2009-05-27    6
>    victorlei   (Victor Leikehman        )        2004-11-18    1

Taras is still active, Victor is still at IBM according to LinkedIn.

4) some might fall under 2 or 3. Actually just one; he used to be at QNX, couldn't find any data after 2005 on qnx.com but I'm CCing him:

>    gp          (Graeme Peterson         )        2003-08-06    3

5) some of these just forgot.  Individual copyrights:

>    rkidd       (Robert Kidd             )        2007-09-10   11
>    sgilbertson (Scott Gilbertson        )        2006-02-23   13
>    marekm      (Marek Michalkiewicz     )        2005-03-20   57
>    jfreeman    (John Freeman            )        2009-08-29  118


>    olga        (Olga Golovanevsky       )        2008-03-19   37
>    olegr       (Oleg Ryjkov             )        2008-04-25   28
>    jingyu      (Jing Yu                 )        2009-04-28    4

That's it.


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