In step 3, configure will use the A->B cross-compiler (from step 2)
to do the trial compiles.  This compiler, if built correctly, will
use host *B* header files and libraries from its sysroot, and thus
configure will detect properties of system *B* (which again is correct,
as in step 3, "host" == B).

From the symptoms you describe, it would appear that you're picking
up bad configure results in step 3.  Depending on what exactly you
do, this might be either because you don't actually re-run configure
but attempt to use the configure results from step 2 (that certainly
cannot work), or else your step 2 cross-compiler was itself built
incorrectly in some form so it doesn't properly pick up headers
from its sysroot, or else the headers in the sysroot are simply
incorrect ...  You should investigate the various log files left by
configure to figure out what's going on.

Thanks for the explanation Ulrich.

I was previously under the impression (my interpretation of the
documentation) that I just needed to do one configure, and it would do both of the steps you mentioned.

Note that one problem might be that your step 2 cross-compiler
cannot actually link executables as it is missing the cross-linker
required to do so.  I *think* the core GCC (C-only) configure
process should be able to handle this, but I might be mistaken

Would you be able to give me the two suggested configure
commands so that I can find out the answer to the above, one
way or another?

Perhaps if that bit fails I will need to replace the cross-compiler
and cross-linker with normal gcc during the configure process,
and only give it access to some C90 libraries.  It so happens
that I have a full suite of those, but even if I didn't, I could
create a dummy printf etc so that it would at least link.

Or does the configure process attempt to run the executables
as well?

No mind - as I said, I have the full suite for a configure to work.

But it won't be able to correctly determine the stack direction
if it does that.  So that is the sort of thing I would need some
intrusive code (out of my 20 lines quota!) to force it to 0
(unknown stack direction).

Thanks.  Paul.

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