Bernd Roesch <> writes:

> I compile an old code which use this and i think its compile with Gcc 2.95
> and the
> PPC GCC 1998 or 1999
> it fail to compile with newer compiler.
> #define DRAW_MAX                4
> char drawstrings[DRAW_MAX][] = {
>     "Number of points drawn using 3D hardware:",
>     "Number of lines drawn using 3D hardware:",
>     "Number of triangles drawn using 3D hardware:",
>     "Number of quads drawn using 3D hardware:"};
> give error on GCC3.4.0
> 98 E:\amiga\AmiDevCpp\bernd\StormMesaNew\src\AMIGA\src\ADisp_HW.h elements
> of array `drawstrings' have incomplete type 
> gcc4.5.0 report this.
> 6 E:\amiga\AmiDevCpp\bernd\StormMesaNew\src\AMIGA\src\ADisp_HW.h:98 array
> type has incomplete element type 
> Is this a GGC Bug, or is that syntax no longer support ?.
> I change code to this, thats more easy and it compile ok but must check if
> its same.
> const char * drawstrings[] = {
>         "Number of points drawn using 3D hardware:",
>         "Number of lines drawn using 3D hardware:",
>         "Number of triangles drawn using 3D hardware:",
>         "Number of quads drawn using 3D hardware:"
>         };

This question is not appropriate for the mailing
list.  It would be appropriate for  Please take
any followups to gcc-help.  Thanks.

Your program is not valid C, and I don't see how it could ever have
been compiled by any C compiler.  Changing it to something like
    char drawstrings[DRAW_MAX][80]
would work.


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