Basile STARYNKEVITCH <> writes:

> Are you suggesting me to upload to bugzilla the nearly 3000
> preprocessed forms of the files? I could do that, but the *.i files
> totalize more than one gigabyte. A bzip2 compressed tar archive of
> them is almost 80Mbytes.

That is a difficulty, but without a self-contained test case it's
pretty hard to fix the bug.  You can try reporting the bug with a URL
for where to download the sources.  Since LTO is fairly new a
maintainer may be willing to download them and try it.  Otherwise, go
ahead and upload that 80M tar ball. will cope.

> Did I understand correctly that GCC bugzilla treats magically the
> * email adresses matching accounts usable for SVN write
> access? This is great news!

Yes, that is how it works.


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