2009/11/18 Mark Mitchell:
> Joe Buck wrote:
>> I think that the cleanest way is to suppress the warning for structs
>> with one member
> And recursively?
> So that:
>  struct A { int i; };
>  struct B { struct A a };
>  struct C { struct B b };
>  struct C c = { 1 };
> does not trigger the warning?

I think not warning here is fine.

> What if struct B is now:
>  struct B { struct A a; int j; };
> and I write:
>  struct C c = { 1, 2 };
> ?

This still has exactly two initialisers for exactly two objects, so I
think it's OK.  I'm concerned about missing braces when the meaning of
the code may not be what you expect.

struct X { int i; };
struct Y { struct X x; int j; };
Y y = { 1, 2 };

is OK, but if someone changes X to:

struct X { int i; int j };

then I want the initialisation of y to warn, which it already does
because of -Wmissing-field-initializers.  But maybe I should just use
-Wno-missing-braces and leave the missing braces warning for those who
find it useful.

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