On Thu, 19 Nov 2009, Thomas Gleixner wrote:

Can the GCC folks please shed some light on this:

standard function start:

         push   %ebp
         mov    %esp, %ebp
         call   mcount

modified function start on a handful of functions only seen with gcc
4.4.x on x86 32 bit:

        push   %edi
        lea    0x8(%esp),%edi
        and    $0xfffffff0,%esp
        pushl  -0x4(%edi)
        push   %ebp
        mov    %esp,%ebp
        call   mcount

This modification leads to a hard to solve problem in the kernel
function graph tracer which assumes that the stack looks like:

       return address
       saved  ebp

With the modified function start sequence this is not longer true and
the manipulation of the return address on the stack fails silently.

Neither gcc 4.3 nor gcc 3.4 are generating such function frames, so it
looks like a gcc 4.4.x feature.

There is no real obvious reason why the edi magic needs to be done

        push   %ebp
        mov    %esp,%ebp



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