Michael Matz wrote:

> I Don't Want To Work Around useless unapproved mass changes.

  Hey, nor do I.  (In fact, I don't even like having to work around useful
approved mass changes, merging is always dull and tedious work.  But I think
of it as just something that goes with the territory.)

> To any reasonable person it must be clear 

  I'm a reasonable person.  It is not clear to me.

> the seeming absence of real GCC bugs so that we can waste our time on this 
> type of thing.

  Actually, I made a quick judgement call when Richard G. first posted about
this, and decided that the quickest and most efficient thing I could possibly
do to deal with this problem using the least effort and wasting the least time
would be to just not care and simply get on with my work.

  If this thread goes on much longer, there will presumably come a crossover
point at which it would have been more worth your while too ....


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