On 2/11/2010 2:00 AM, Edwin Bennink wrote:
Dear gcc list,

I noticed that starting an OpenMP parallel section takes a significant amount of time on Nehalem cpu's with hyper-threading enabled.

If you think a question might be related to gcc, but don't know which forum to use, gcc-help is more appropriate. As your question is whether there is a way to avoid anomalous behaviors when an old Ubuntu is run on a CPU released after that version of Ubuntu, an Ubuntu forum might be more appropriate. A usual way is to shut off HyperThreading in the BIOS when running on a distro which has trouble with it. I do find your observation interesting. As far as I know, the oldest distro which works well on Core I7 is RHEL5.2 x86_64, which I run, with updated gcc and binutils, and HT disabled, as I never run applications which could benefit from HT.

Tim Prince

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