On 04/12/2010 07:01 PM, IainS wrote:

> It clearly depends on something no-obvious.
> gcc hello.c  -g -o hc  => dsymutils gets run  (not expected from the
> syntax, assuming that sources are irrelevant)
> gcc hello.o -g -o hc  => no dsymutils (expected from the absence of '.o'
> in the list)

Hi Iain,

We don't want to run dsymutil if there are .o files, let the developer
do that.

If someone just does gcc -g -o foo foo.c, then any debugging information
will be lost when the temporary .o file is removed, thus, to allow
debugging such a foo, the compiler must run dsymutil.

Of course, it doesn't need to run for stabs, or -g0.

Strange, Apple's gcc-4.2 doesn't have this bug (-lm), yet that portion
of the specs appears identical.


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