I have been lurking on this list for many years, probably a decade.
I like the progress of GCC and its technology, esp. algorithms and data structures,
which are exciting.

Yet, I do not contribute to GCC due to my priorities in life and not due to any other technicality. There is family, work, graduate studies (where I develop new constraint solver technologies) and dancing. Too many things too little time. GCC is currently below the other things in my list.

I could have tried to change my working place and to become a paid to develop for GCC, but it seems to be a feat too difficult for my part time job. I had played with these thoughts several years ago, before starting my graduate studies, and I don't really remember why I stayed at my current working place.


On 04/23/10 21:39, Manuel López-Ibáñez wrote:
This seems to be the question running around the blogosphere for
several projects. And I would like to ask all people that read this
list but hardly say or do anything.

What reasons keep you from contributing to GCC?



PS: Actually, I am not sure how many people read this list and not contribute.

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