On 04/23/2010 08:37 PM, Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
However, I would believe that most GCC contributors do not actively check their patch against the US patent system (because I perceive the US patent system to be very ill w.r.t. software). I confess I don't do that - it would be a full time & boring job.

At some companies, the lawyers specifically request that employees do NOT check for violation of patents or research any patents before writing code, as this process actually increases liability. It's similar to the "clean room implementation" model. If I look, then my ability to say "I wrote this myself without any input" is tainted. If I just write it myself without researching what others have done, then I can at least claim I never copied any ideas, and although I might still be found in violation of a patent, this can be addressed if and when it is found (either pay license/royalty fees or re-write the code to NOT use the now-known-to-be-patented ideas).

Just thought that this "opposite approach" might be interesting to readers... :-)


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