On Apr 26, 2010, at 8:11 AM, Alfred M. Szmidt wrote:
>   It's unclear whether the LLVM-style implicit copyright assignment
>   is really enforceable, and this certainly isn't a forum to debate
>   it.  In any case, it doesn't really matter, because the only reason
>   copyright needs to be assigned (AFAIK) is to change the license.
> This is not the only reason (and in the GNU projects case, not a
> reason at all), the main reason is to be able to enforce the copyright
> of the work without having to call in everyone into court.  If only
> parts of GCC where copyrighted by the FSF, then the FSF could only sue
> only for those parts.

Someone else pointed this out elsewhere in the thread, so perhaps it is worth 
responding.  Being able to enforce copyright is specifically useful if your 
code is under a GPL-style license.  For code under a bsd-style "do whatever you 
want, but don't sue us" style license, this is much less important.  That is 
why I claimed that the license change aspect is most important: for me 
personally, "enforcing copyright" is not a particular exciting prospect.

w.r.t. "hoarding", I'll point out that (in the context of GCC) being able to 
enforce copyright is pretty useless IMO.  While you can force someone to 
release their code, the GPL doesn't force them to assign the copyright to the 
FSF.  In practice this means that you can force someone to release their GCC 
changes, but you can't merge them back to mainline GCC.  In a warped way you 
could argue that the FSF using the GPL encourages their software to fork :-)

On Apr 25, 2010, at 10:23 PM, Richard Kenner wrote:
>> This would be on topic if the thread were "Why not contribute? (to LLVM)",
>> but it isn't.  If you're really concerned about LLVM developers, that's one
>> thing, but this is certainly not the place to discuss it.
> OK, then I'll rephrase it:
> If the GCC project were to change their policy so that there is no longer
> any document signed between the submitter of the code and the FSF,

To be perfectly clear, I'm not suggesting that the FSF or GCC project change 
their policies.  I'm just disputing some claims about LLVM system, and pointing 
out that LLVM and GCC's policies differ because there are substantially 
different goals involved.  The LLVM project is much more focused on the 
technology and the community, the GCC project is more focused on ensuring 
software freedom (as defined by the FSF).  There isn't anything wrong with 
having different goals.


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