On 04/26/2010 07:41 AM, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
On 04/26/2010 11:23 AM, Mark Mielke wrote:
Personally, this whole issue is problematic to me. I really can't see
why I would ever sue somebody for using software that I had declared

Because (a derivative of) it is being made nonfree?

How does this hurt me? Instead of being concerned how people might try to exploit my code, why shouldn't I be spending effort making sure that the best solution for all parties, including greedy corporations, is to work with me, to make sure the code is kept in a small number of branches all available in the free and open source community? Why can't I demonstrate the merits of free software in such a way that even the most stubborn of CEOs will understand what I am offering to them?

It wouldn't be worth my time and I have trouble understanding how
I could demonstrate personal loss making the law suit worth persuing in
the first place.

Perhaps because you know the code better than anyone else, so you could provide paid support on that derivative as well.

This is true whether the code is GPL or truly free.

Or maybe because you have to. There was a case of a free software project (JMRI) being sued for patent infringement by a proprietary software company. It turned out that the proprietary software included source code from the free software project without attribution (copyleft was not even necessary, as the project was under the Artistic License!). In this case, the possibility to counter-sue saved the free software programmer from having to pay millions of dollars.

I think this might be an over simplification. There were many statements in this history (new to me - just read it all - good read) that demonstrate that the patents were incorrectly granted. The copyright issue was involved, and the defense of free / open source copyrights was involved, but it looks pretty clear to me that JMRI wanted to shut down *all* violations. They wanted the incorrectly granted patents dropped, and they wanted their copyrights held intact. Was the latter required for the former victory, or was that just how things played out?

I'll also note that even if it was required, it was the Artistic License, and it was demonstrated as being valid in a court of law. So, the GPL was not really part of this equation, and therefore not really part of this discussion, as off topic as it has gone. From my perspective, licenses like the Artistic License, the Apache license, or the BSD license, are great choices for free software projects.

I see your point that the possibility to counter-sue is valid, but I think the scope is the scenario provided is limited to the scope of ensuring that the copyright is valid at all, rather than any additional restrictions that the GPL defines. I think, though, that this is somewhat self-evident, and that the case really shows how a clever lawyer can confuse judges into providing poor judgements. This will always be a risk, and copyright is not the ultimate defense against this risk. It was an option in the case you listed, but I think there were other options. It's unfortunate that persuing options in court can cost large amount of money, but that's the society we live in. The best direction to take from the above case is to attack the problem at the source. 1) Patents, at least under the current system, are evil, and provide a lot of risk for what is becoming a questionable amount of value. 2) The courts need a better way to figure out when somebody is lying in their court room.

As demonstrated, there exists adequate laws to protect copyrights. No changes required on this front, at least for this scenario.


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