On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 3:22 AM, Richard Guenther
<richard.guent...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 5:09 AM, ajmcello <ajmcell...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've got a quad core 3.2Ghz FreeBSD-8 system with 8GB of ram. I
>> compiled and installed Cloog-PPL and PPL, mpfr, gmp, mpc, polylib,
>> etc. I'm using make -j 4, and my gcc compile has been going for about
>> 24 hours. Is this normal or did something go terribly wrong? It is
>> still building, but each file uses about 20-30 hours of CPU time to
>> build (according to top). I think this is the 3rd compile. After the
>> first, I recompiled all of my tools (binutils, coreutils, etc) with
>> the new gcc and then started the build over. This last one, I think
>> stage1 and stage2 went by relatively quick, but the 3rd and final
>> stage has been taking forever. I wrote a test program and compiled it
>> with prev-gcc/xgcc with no arguments, and it took about 5 seconds.
>> Just curious.
>> Here's my runtime options. Thanks.
>> ./configure --prefix=/usr/gnu \
>> --disable-werror \
>> --disable-ppl-version-check \
>> --disable-cloog-version-check \
>> --enable-cxx \
>> --enable-shared \
>> --enable-static \
>> --enable-bootstrapp \
>> --enable-lto \
>> --enable-objc-gc \
>> --enable-gold \
>> --enable-stage1-checking=all \
> Well - that's not a very good idea ;)  Just drop that piece.
> Richard.

Hahahhaa. That was it. I removed polylib and rebuilt all my sources,
still was slow. Leaving off stage1 checking was the ticket.

On another note, I had a problem with lto, gcc would error out with
some kind of libelf read error when using -flto.

I specified the path to the latest libelf install, which I put in
/usr/gnu, and I also set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include /usr/gnu/lib
first, but still no go. It kept wanting to use the older version
FreeBSD had in /usr/lib. So I I reinstalled libelf to /usr/lib after
moving the old libelf and that fixed it.

libiconv had the same problem, so I had to do the same thing that I
did for the libelf problem..

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