In a biweekly call with the other GCC Release Managers, I was asked
today on the status of the SC/FSF discussions re. GFDL/GPL issues.  In
particular, the question of whether or not we can use "literate
programming" techniques to extract documentation from code and take bits
of what is currently in GCC manuals and put that into comments in code
and so forth and so on.

I have raised this issue directly with RMS, with a copy to the GCC SC.
I will report any significant changes in status here.  If I don't report
anything, then it's probably because there's nothing to report.  It's
typical for these kinds of license issues to take a long time (months,
or even years) to be resolved -- unless the FSF decides very quickly
that it will not grant whatever request it is that we are making.

Therefore, if I don't have an update "soon" (within a week or two), I'd
suggest that we operate under the assumption that it will not be
possible to combine GFDL manuals and GPL code in the near future.


Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713

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