Frank Ch. Eigler wrote:

>> c. change the licenses of the melt*texi files [I certainly won't do that
>> without explicit approval] to something compatible. Perhaps the fact
>> that I am the only contributor to these files might help.
> Would dual-licensing the .texi files (GFDL + GPL3) solve these problems?

Presumably so, but we cannot unilaterally do that with source code that
has been assigned to the FSF.  The FSF assignment agreement generally
allows the original contributor to relicense his/her own work under
different terms, so Basile could (if he is the sole contributor)
dual-license the MELT .texi documentation -- but it's not clear to me
that this permits us to then take advantage of that in the context of

In the context of FSF GCC, there is both a legal question and a policy
question; even if we can do it legally, is that what the FSF wants?
That last consideration, of course, does not apply to not-FSF GCC, e.g.,
 to a release that Basile does himself.

Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713

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