"Vakatov, Denis (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [E]" <vaka...@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov> writes:

> The problem with the suggested scenario with one trusted developer
> that uses this option is that other developers won't see these
> warnings at all. However, IMO we can have our cake and eat it too --
> and, leave most of the involved parties generally happy...er. Say,
> we allow the void-casting to suppress the warning but we have yet
> another compilation flag (or macro) which the trusted developer can
> turn on to get warnings on the void-casted calls too.
> This way, regular developers can suppress the warning where they
> believe it should be suppressed while the code reviewer still can
> see all such suppressed warnings. So, the regular developers will be
> able to see the warnings -- and either fix or easily suppress
> them. And the security (provided by the code reviewer armed with
> that other flag/macro) won't be compromised.

Sure, yet another compiler option is also another way to go.  I do not
happen to think that is the best approach in this case.

I think you may have misunderstood my scenario.  I was not suggesting
that the trusted developer use a special option.  I was suggesting
that the trusted developer add the warn_unused_result or
must_use_result function attribute.  I don't think a scenario which
relies on somebody recompiling all code with a different option is
appropriate for avoiding security issues.


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