On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 11:43 PM, Basile Starynkevitch
<bas...@starynkevitch.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-06-01 at 19:49 -0500, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
>>     (2) we should prefer standard solution over home-grown hacks, unless
>>          there is a clear demonstration of value.  For example, it would be
>>          unwise to prefer our current VEC_xxx over std::vector.  Conversely,
>>          we should probably have our own hash table, since there is none in
>>          C++98.
> I am not entirely convinced of that. VEC is supported not only by
> infamous vec.h macros (which we surely want to replace by some template,
> possibly std::vec) but also by gengtype (and the Gcc Garbage Collector).
> I strongly believe we will need a garbage collector (perhaps improving
> the current one). So we surely will continue to need garbage collected
> vectors (with all the variants existing in today's GCC).

std::vector can be garbage collected.

> How would we handle these in a C++ GCC? I have no clear ideas on that
> today. Perhaps we might
> a. have our own vector template which is almost exactly like std::vector
> but named differently except that it is specially supported by GGC &
> gengtype.
> b. add special annotations (maybe attributes or pragmas or GTY macros
> invocations or something else...) inside the code of the definition of
> std::vec template (perhaps inside libstdc++-v3/include/std/vector) to

no, you don't want to do this because we wan't to start with any C++98 compiler
including GCC's we released before the switch.

> add GTY support. However, this makes our compiler less able to use some
> other's vendor std::vec
> c. add special annotations on every use of our vectors. BTW, this is
> what our current practice of vec.h already do.
> But still I don't understand how precisely we would have garbage
> collected vectors, or vectors of garbage collected pointers. We need
> them.
> And if possible, the solution should be generic enough to work for any
> other standard C++ container (i.e. maps, ...).

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