On Jun 13, 2010, at 7:35 AM, Joern Rennecke wrote:
> An even if you have a suitable text for the assembler, to link the compiler
> with the assembler requires to merge to two complex build systems, and
> resolve symbol name clash issues.

Not trying to be inflammatory, but if you guys are really serious about doing 
this, you could consider using the LLVM integrated assembler.  It is built as a 
library and is easily separable from the code generator (codegen depends on the 
assembler, not the other way around).  It would be much much simpler to 
integrate than the binutils assembler.

Some information is here:

It currently supports darwin x86 quite well.  ELF/PECOFF and ARM support are in 
active development.  It sped up clang by ~10% at -O0 -g.


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