On 16/07/2010 01:31, J Decker wrote:
> Oh not so bad then, I can just add at the beginning...
> typedef struct a *NeverUsedDefinition;
> and now it's happy?  And that makes good coding how? 

  No, that would be bad coding.  Just forward-declare the tag:

struct a;

before you try and use it in a function's formal parameter list.

  The declarations in a function's formal parameter list are in a more inner
scope than file scope, so if there isn't a tag declaration at file scope yet,
you're talking about a new tag declaration limited only to the scope in which
it is declared - the function declaration (argument list and body, if present;
just argument list in the case of a prototype).

  When you later do declare a "struct a" tag at file scope, the later
definition of f() "inherits" that one from the more global scope, just like it
would "inherit" the name of a global variable from the enclosing scope.  In
the C language spec: "All declarations of structure, union, or enumerated types that
have the same scope and use the same tag declare the same type." "Two declarations of structure, union, or enumerated types which
are in different scopes or use different tags declare distinct types."


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