Robert Dewar <> writes:
> I am actually a bit dubious about automatic extraction of documentation
> from code. The kind of thing you can get this way is in any case easily
> obtained by browsing the code.

Presumably it saves the effort of browsing the code, which is not a
small thing... (If I'm learning about an interface, I want a concise
introduction to the functions in it, and the work of finding the
appropriate functions in the appropriate location in the appropriate
file can be pretty annoying).

Moreover, it such extraction can to improve the source code for browsing
too:  if a function's header-comment were actually included in the
documentation (suitably massaged), that's all the more incentive to
write really good and clear function header-comments...


The car has become... an article of dress without which we feel uncertain,
unclad, and incomplete.  [Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media, 1964]

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