Hello all,

I am trying to do a port on GCC 4.5. The target has a memory
resolution of 32bits i.e. char is 32bits in the target (addr 0 selects
1st 32bit and addr 1 selects 2nd 32bit). It has only word (32bit)

In terms of address resolution this target is similar to c4x which
became obsolete in GCC 4.2. There are two ways to implement this port.
One is to have BITS_PER_UNIT ==32, like c4x and other is to have a
normal C like char == 8, short == 16, and int == 32. We are thinking
about having BITS_PER_UNIT == 32. Yes I know the support for such a
target is bit rotten in GCC. I am currently trying to removing it.

In the mean time, we are in the process of finalizing the
instructions. The current instruction set has support for 32bit
immediate data only in move operations. i.e.

move src1GP, #imm32

For all other operations like div, sub, add, compare, modulus, load,
store the support is only for 16bit immediate. For all these
instruction there is separate flavor for sign and zero extension. i.e.

mod.s32 srcdstGP, #imm16 // 32%imm16   signed modulus
mod.u32 srcdstGP, #imm16 // 32%imm16 unsigned modulus

cmp.s32 src1GP, #imm16 // signed register to 16-bit immediate compare
cmp.u32 src1GP, #imm16 // unsigned register to 16-bit immediate compare

sub.s32 srcdstGP, #imm16 // signed 16-bit register to immediate subtract
sub.u32 srcdstGP, #imm16 // unsigned 16-bit register to immediate subtract

I want to know if it is good to have both sign and zero extension for
16bit immediate.
Will it be of any use with a configuration where char == short == int == 32bit?
Will I be able to support these kinds of instructions in a GCC port?
Or will it good to have a separate sign and zero extension
instruction, which the current instruction set doesn’t have.
Do I need a separate sign and zero ext instructions along with the
above instructions?

It would be of great help if you could guide me in deciding these instructions.


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