On 14 September 2010 00:16, Steven Bosscher <stevenb....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 12:05 AM, Manuel López-Ibáñez
> <lopeziba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I understand the benefit that existed before clang.  And my general
>>> understanding is that clang C++ support is not yet complete, so there is
>>> a benefit there, but only a temporary one.  I don't see a real benefit
>>> going forward.
>> Access to all the other GCC front-ends that the LLVM project has not
>> (yet) reimplemented? Someone provided above a real user-case for
>> gcc->llvm involving Fortran. I don't think dragon-egg development is
>> stalled at all.
> And some (including yours truly) consider this little more than theft.
> Especially since there is GCC-bashing on the one side, and taking the
> bits they like on the other.
>>> Since for me benefits to users of gcc are pretty much the same as
>>> benefits to gcc, yes, I see a benefit.
>> By that rule, it is clearly beneficial for some gcc users to compile
>> Fortran using dragon-egg to take advantage of OpenCL. Ergo, dragon-egg
>> is beneficial to GCC.
> No it "is" not, you "think it is", i.e. opinion. Again, I don't share
> that opinion at all, because this means there is less motivation for
> developers to add OpenCL to GCC itself.

In the same sense that adding clang->gcc means that there is less
motivation for developers to improve the current C/C++ FEs. So I guess
you are against this as well. But then, just a few mails above, you
are the one who proposed adding clang to gcc in the first place.
Sorry, it seems a contradiction to me and I cannot get my head around

> Anyway, we're waaaaaaaaaaay off-topic here from the original question
> about improving ObjC in GCC.

Well, the discussion is whether it makes sense to replace the ObjC FE
with clang directly. I would say you disagree, but then you proposed
it. I am ambivalent since my understanding is that replacing parts of
GCC is bad. But then Richard and Ian surprised me by being in favour
because it would benefit gcc users. I am just trying to make sense of



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