I've tried a couple of different things but it isn't working and this seems 
like it should be simple...

On my Linux system (CentOS 5.5) I'm trying to do a bootstrap of the current 
trunk.  I have the dependencies (mpc, mfpr, gmp) installed.

Did configure, no issues.

Did "make bootstrap".  Stage 1 runs clean up to 
"configure-stage1-target-libgcc" where it runs into "can't compile".

Config.log reveals that cc1 (the one that was just built) can't find libmpc.so.

Why not?  It's installed... is it looking in the wrong place?  I would expect a 
simple configure with a simple make bootstrap to do the right thing.

I tried configure with --with-mpc pointing to the right mpc explicitly.  No 
difference, same failure at the same spot.

Do I need to have mpc in the build tree so it's built along with gcc?  That 
seems strange, and it certainly isn't documented in 


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