I'm seeing the oddest thing with a function compiled like:

mpicc -std=gnu99 -O1 -g -m32 -pthread -msse -mno-sse2  -DHAVE_CONFIG_H 
-I../../easel -I../../easel -I. -I.. -I. -I../../src -o fwdback.o -c

using both gcc versions

gcc (GCC) 4.4.1  (on a 64 bit linux)
gcc (GCC) 4.2.3 (4.2.3-6mnb1) (on a 32 bit linux)
on OMPI 1.4.3. 

The compilers are on Opterons, the worker node where it fails is
an Athlon MP.  (Shouldn't be any differene with -mno-sse2 off, right?)

Basically it comes down to (many lines of code omitted)

  register __m128 xEv;
fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG0 xEV %lld\n",xEv);fflush(stderr);
  xEv   = _mm_setzero_ps();
fprintf(stderr,"DEBUGB xEV %lld\n",xEv);fflush(stderr); /* problem */

throwing an error when run in Valgrind in a particular program at the
second printf.

==13053== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==13053==    at 0x4BE50BC: vfprintf (in /lib/libc-2.10.1.so)
==13053==    by 0x4BE9411: ??? (in /lib/libc-2.10.1.so)
==13053==    by 0x4BE4492: vfprintf (in /lib/libc-2.10.1.so)
==13053==    by 0x4BEE7CE: fprintf (in /lib/libc-2.10.1.so)
==13053==    by 0x807FC19: forward_engine (fwdback.c:305) <--------
==13053==    by 0x8080289: p7_ForwardParser (fwdback.c:143)
==13053==    by 0x8075B08: p7_Tau (evalues.c:442)
==13053==    by 0x8076554: p7_Calibrate (evalues.c:109)
==13053==    by 0x8061815: calibrate (p7_builder.c:629)
==13053==    by 0x80618D6: p7_SingleBuilder (p7_builder.c:393)
==13053==    by 0x80570C9: main (jackhmmer.c:1068)

How can xEv possibly be uninitialized in that position?  Note the
problem initially manifested much further down in the code here

      _mm_store_ss(&xE, xEv);

As far as Valgrind is concerned it starts right after the _mm_setzero_ps().

After my signature is that function from the start down to the DEBUGB
line with all lines present - sorry about the wrap:

David Mathog
Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech


static int
forward_engine(int do_full, const ESL_DSQ *dsq, int L, const P7_OPROFILE
*om, P7_OMX *ox, float *opt_sc)
  register __m128 mpv, dpv, ipv;   /* previous row values              
  register __m128 sv;              /* temp storage of 1 curr row value in
progress              */
  register __m128 dcv;             /* delayed storage of D(i,q+1)              
  register __m128 xEv;             /* E state: keeps max for Mk->E as we go    
  register __m128 xBv;             /* B state: splatted vector of B[i-1] for
B->Mk calculations */
  __m128   zerov;                  /* splatted 0.0's in a vector                
  float    xN, xE, xB, xC, xJ;     /* special states' scores            
  int i;                           /* counter over sequence positions 1..L      
  int q;                           /* counter over quads 0..nq-1                
  int j;                           /* counter over DD iterations (4 is full 
  int Q       = p7O_NQF(om->M);    /* segment length: # of vectors     
  __m128 *dpc = ox->dpf[0];        /* current row, for use in
{MDI}MO(dpp,q) access macro       */
  __m128 *dpp;                     /* previous row, for use in
{MDI}MO(dpp,q) access macro      */
  __m128 *rp;                      /* will point at om->rfv[x] for residue x[i] 
  __m128 *tp;                      /* will point into (and step thru) om->tfv   

  /* Initialization. */
  ox->M  = om->M;
  ox->L  = L;
  ox->has_own_scales = TRUE;    /* all forward matrices control their own
scalefactors */
  zerov  = _mm_setzero_ps();
  for (q = 0; q < Q; q++)
    MMO(dpc,q) = IMO(dpc,q) = DMO(dpc,q) = zerov;
  xE    = ox->xmx[p7X_E] = 0.;
  xN    = ox->xmx[p7X_N] = 1.;
  xJ    = ox->xmx[p7X_J] = 0.;
  xB    = ox->xmx[p7X_B] = om->xf[p7O_N][p7O_MOVE];
  xC    = ox->xmx[p7X_C] = 0.;

  ox->xmx[p7X_SCALE] = 1.0;
  ox->totscale       = 0.0;

  if (ox->debugging) p7_omx_DumpFBRow(ox, TRUE, 0, 9, 5, xE, xN, xJ,
xB, xC);        /* logify=TRUE, <rowi>=0, width=8, precision=5*/

  for (i = 1; i <= L; i++)
fprintf(stderr,"DEBUGA i %d\n",i);fflush(stderr);
      dpp   = dpc;                      
      dpc   = ox->dpf[do_full * i];     /* avoid conditional, use
do_full as kronecker delta */
      rp    = om->rfv[dsq[i]];
      tp    = om->tfv;
      dcv   = _mm_setzero_ps();
      xEv   = _mm_setzero_ps();
fprintf(stderr,"DEBUGB xEV %lld\n",xEv);fflush(stderr);

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