We announce the availability of PPL 0.11.2, a new release of the Parma
Polyhedra Library.  This release fixes a few minor bugs in PPL 0.11.1.
The precise list of user-visible changes is available at


For more information, please come and visit the PPL web site at


On behalf of all the past and present developers listed at
http://www.cs.unipr.it/ppl/Credits/ and in the file CREDITS,

Abramo Bagnara  Roberto Bagnara  Patricia M. Hill  Enea Zaffanella

Prof. Roberto Bagnara                     CEO & CTO
Applied Formal Methods Laboratory         BUGSENG srl
Department of Mathematics                 Parco Area delle Scienze 53/A
University of Parma, Italy                I-43124 Parma, Italy
http://www.cs.unipr.it/~bagnara/          http://bugseng.com/
mailto:bagn...@cs.unipr.it                mailto:roberto.bagn...@bugseng.com

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